From The Nepean Police Local Area Command...
Tracy Ford is feeling hopeful at Tench Reserve, Nepean River.
Suicide impacts all facets of society. Today I was asked to both participate in the Penrith Hope Walk to raise awareness and start the conversation around suicide. Why policing ? We are a first response agency that operates 24/7 and we can impact on the person who is at crisis point and intervene. Or we are there at crisis point for families that have discover that their loved ones have now passed at their own hand. We operate at times of crises to both the patient and the bereaved and work around our responsibilities within investigation and processing matters on behalf of the coroner. We attempt to answer the why and try and quell the what if’s - however we are reliant on our support groups pre and post suicide that can hold, comfort and support families through their grief and recovery from their loss. Thank you for this honour and your network. It was good to connect with you all ๐๐ฎ♀️๐๐๐๐ฆ๐ฆ
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